Home What's Brewing The Best Way To Watch The How To Train Your Dragon Movies In Order

The Best Way To Watch The How To Train Your Dragon Movies In Order

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Read on for the best way to watch The How To Train Your Dragon Movies In Order

How To Train Your Dragon Movies In Order

The captivating “How to Train Your Dragon” series, based on the book series by Cressida Cowell, has mesmerized audiences globally with its mix of adventure, companionship and the timeless bond shared between humans and dragons. DreamWorks Animation masterfully brought this enchanting universe to the big screen crafting a trilogy that has left an enduring impact, on youngsters and grown-ups alike.

At the center of this tale is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, a Viking who defies tradition by forming a connection with Toothless, a Night Fury dragon. This unlikely duo embarks on a journey that challenges norms and delves into themes of acceptance, empathy and the immense power found in genuine friendship. Across three films – “How to Train Your Dragon” (2010) “How to Train Your Dragon 2” (2014) and “How to Train Your Dragon; The Hidden World” (2019) – viewers bear witness to Hiccups growth as a leader, the evolving relationship between humans and dragons and the trials faced in coexisting with these creatures in a world once fearful of their existence.

One of the franchises strengths lies in its stunning animation that flawlessly captures the awe inspiring landscapes of Berk village – home to Vikings – as well as the concealed haven where dragons reside. The filmmakers truly bring the dragons alive making them lovable, to audiences with their personalities and designs.

Apart from its captivating elements the “How to Train Your Dragon” series is widely praised for its engaging storytelling. The narrative expertly explores the intricacies of growing up dealing with loss and making sacrifices, which adds layers of depth that go beyond an adventure. The bond, between Hiccup and Toothless forms the heart of the trilogy showing us how compassion and understanding can truly transform lives.

Here's how to watch the How to Train Your Dragon movies in order

How To Train Your Dragon (2010)

How To Train Your Dragon Movies In Order 2

Released in 2010, the inaugural installment of this franchise serves as an impressive introduction. Brimming with humor, intelligence, and endearing characters, the film instantly captures the audience’s affection. Berk, an island in perpetual conflict with dragons, takes center stage. On one fateful night, Hiccup, armed with his invention, shoots down a Night Fury. Despite his questionable reputation, Hiccup stands by his claim, leading to disbelief from those around him. Undeterred, he forges an unlikely friendship with the enigmatic dragon, and their bond deepens through shared battles. The narrative culminates with Berk embracing dragons into their community, integrating them as a normal and accepted part of society.

DreamWorks Dragons (2012-2018)

How To Train Your Dragon Movies In Order 3

Following the initial film, an animated series aired on Cartoon Network for four seasons. While the animation quality fell slightly short of expectations, it played a crucial role in broadening the franchise’s universe beyond the constraints of individual movies. The series, divided into two seasons under distinct titles, seamlessly continues the storyline from the first movie. It delves into the challenges faced by Berk as dragons integrate into the community, depicting the resistance from Vikings reluctant to embrace change. Moreover, the narrative explores Hiccup’s evolution in mastering the art of dragon training. Subsequently, the series transitioned to Netflix for new episodes, ultimately merging into the second successful installment in the franchise.

Dragons: Gift of the Night Fury (2011)

During various holidays, DreamWorks traditionally unveiled a compilation of shorts featuring snippets from several of their most beloved films, including the inaugural Christmas special for “How To Train Your Dragon.” While the events in these shorts don’t impact the main movie storylines, they align with the timeline of the preceding series. In this particular episode, set around Snoggletog, dragons mysteriously vanish, leaving Toothless as the sole dragon remaining due to his inability to fly independently. The plot unravels as it’s revealed that the dragons depart during mating season at this time of the year, ensuring their return just in time for the festive holiday. This charming and brief narrative offers a delightful way for fans to reconnect with the beloved franchise.

Dragons: Race To The Edge (2015-2018)

Expanding the narrative universe significantly, “Dragons: Race To The Edge” unfolds as Hiccup and his companions navigate the challenges of coming of age at the age of 18. The series propels them beyond the familiar confines of their world, leading them to a previously unexplored sea system. Establishing an island stronghold, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and independence, mirroring the transitional phase of young adults entering college. The show boasts robust plotlines seamlessly interwoven with those from the films, enriching the overall storyline. Moreover, it intricately traces the evolving romance between Hiccup and Astrid, shedding light on the foundation of their relationship, which is already in full bloom in “How To Train Your Dragon 2.”

How To Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)

Set two years after the conclusion of “Dragons: Race To The Edge,” the film seamlessly picks up from the Netflix series, which concluded with a seamless transition into the next chapter. Skillfully introducing a surprising dragon antagonist and emotionally preparing Hiccup for the loss of his father, the series serves as a compelling lead-in for the film. Positioned as the ideal middle ground, the movie navigates the challenges of its main protagonist transitioning into adulthood while grappling with the looming responsibilities of potential large-scale leadership as he matures.

How To Train Your Dragon: Homecoming (2019)

This Christmas short occupies the narrative gap between the movie’s conclusion and the epilogue that brings the main franchise to a close. In this heartwarming tale, Toothless’ offspring express curiosity about human customs, prompting them to journey to the island of Berk to observe the festive Snoggletog celebrations—an equivalent of Vikings’ Christmas. Although the dragon children are retrieved by their parents before crossing paths with Hiccup’s family, the charming episode serves as an endearing continuation of the How To Train Your Dragon legacy.

Dragons: The Nine Realms (2021-Present)

In the chronological timeline, the final installment within the How To Train Your Dragon universe, “Dragons: The Nine Realms,” unfolds centuries after the events of the original films. Tracking the journey of Tom, a descendant of Hiccup, and his eclectic group of friends, the narrative commences when they stumble upon dragons hidden beneath their parents’ scientific outpost. Throughout Dragons: The Nine Realms, the characters traverse various realms housing distinct dragon species, all while striving to shield these creatures from prying eyes. The series pays homage to its roots, featuring subtle nods to the original characters, such as the utilization of the book of dragons, the discovery of Hiccup’s family seal, and Tom’s dragon being a direct descendant of the iconic Toothless.

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