Answering the question - How long to watch all Star Wars movies?
In a galaxy far, far away, the Star Wars saga has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of fans worldwide. With its character’s epic battles, timeless storytelling, and memorable score, the franchise has become a phenomenon and staple in pop culture. So if you’re someone who hasn’t watched any Star Wars movies before or if you’re looking to binge-watch the franchise you might be wondering; How long to watch all Star Wars movies?
The Star Wars Saga
For this discussion, let’s focus on the movies. Keep in mind that there are also shows on Disney Plus that contribute to the overall timeline and would increase the total runtime of the franchise. With that said, at present, there are nine Star Wars movies. It all begins with “Episode IV; A New Hope” and concludes with “Episode IX; The Rise of Skywalker.” Additionally, there are standalone films like “Rogue One” and “Solo,” expanding the Star Wars cinematic universe even further.

When we add up all the films we get a total runtime of approximately 1,226 minutes, which is just, over 20 hours.
Including these films brings our total to around 1,494 minutes or roughly, about 25 hours.